
Flygfesten Camping

We provide campsites similar to previous years. The sites are located in central Dala-Järna and it is close to the airshow arena. It is also close to local shops.

Buy your tickets to Flight and secure your location already!
The concept is simple and the price fixed - If you come early and stay longer it will be cheaper.
You can easily book your tickets HERE

Camping package 1 + weekend ticket includes location on campsite 1 from Thursday to Monday, choose yourself when you want to come and go. You have access to the toilet and shower. No electricity available. The distance to the Arena is approximately 1000 meters. It also includes a weekend ticket in the purchase. But do not forget to buy a ticket for the rest of the company.

Camping package 2 + weekend ticket includes location on campsite 2 from Thursday to Monday, choose yourself when you want to come and go. You will have access to the toilet. No electricity available. The distance to Flygfesten Arena is approximately 1300meters. It also includes a weekend ticket in the purchase. Men do not forget to buy a ticket for the rest of the company.


Vansbro Ryttarsällskap
Contact: info@vansbrors.se
Distance to Flygfestarena: 7.5 km
Electricity, water, shower, toilet.
Parking: hard surface; Gravel

VAIK - Vansbro AIK 
Contact: malin.samuelsson2000@icloud.com 
Distance to Flygfestarena: 11 km 
Water, shower, toilet, access to club house with kitchen.
Parking: Hard surface; Garvel

Camping Snöå GK - Dala-Järna
Contact: kansli@snoagk.se
Distance to Flygfestarenan: 5.5 km
Electricity, water, shower, toilet.
Parking: Grass

Snöå skidstadion
Contact: faktura@snoborggard.se
Distance to Flygfestarenan: 6 km 
Water, toilet
Parking: Hard surface; garvel

Nås Camping


“Boende under Flygfesten” = "Accommodation during Flygfesten" is Flygfesten's Facebook group for those who are offering and looking for private accommodation in and around Dala-Järna during the event days of Flygfesten 2022! 
NOTE! Flygfesten is not responsible for bookings / agreements between group members. Accommondation during Flygfesten


Accommodation in and near Dala-Järna
Hotel, B&B, Hostel, Holiday village & Camping
Private cabins

Other activities in Dalarna

If you want to combine your visit with Flygfesten with other activities in the area, there are a host of excursion destinations nearby.

More info: visitdalarna.se

Copyright © 2025 Västerdalarnas Flygklubb